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Community Church in Murfreesboro, TN - Get Involved at Alinea

We serve because God asks us to serve. As believers, we are each given spiritual gifts.

young woman with glasses and red dress holding microphone during church worship service

Why serve?

For the edification or building up of the church – for “the common good”. Jesus says “I will build my church.” He does this by allowing us to use the gifts He has given us. Each of us is a unique creation! God wants to use this uniqueness to make the church more like Himself every day.

1 Corinthians 12, 13, 14; Matthew 16:18

Staff and Volunteer Code

We See People

Jesus saw in a simple fisherman the potential to change the world. We walk around with heads up, hearts ready, and eyes open. We see people where they are. We look out for those who feel unseen and lost. We model our ministry after Jesus – who actively leaves the 99 to go after the one.

We Pray First, Not as a Last Resort

When we are weak, God is strong. There is nothing we can do that has more power than the act of prayer. This movement of the Holy Spirit is based not on our efforts, but on God’s faithfulness and power.

We Don’t Take Ourselves Too Seriously

We know that we don’t deserve what we have. We know that it is God’s power in us that produces results. We approach people with humility and kindness. This code allows us to learn from everyone, laugh at ourselves, grow from our mistakes, and elevate others.  It allows us to laugh hard, loud, and often and find reasons to celebrate. We find the humor in life and flex it whenever possible.

We Pick The Dirty Jobs

As we equip others and invite them onto this mission, we do not sit on the sidelines as others do the jobs we don’t want to do. We jump in when possible and choose the jobs others shy away from. We are called to get dirty and run to the messes.

We live in rhythm

Church is meant to be honest, open, and good. We are committed to giving God all our best efforts in excellent expressions. We practice the cadence of worship through work and rest.

We eat together

Everyone is welcome to the table of God.  So we are committed to both illogical hospitality and intentionally sitting around the table together as often as we can.  We bring what we have, serious about serving one another as we follow Jesus.

Serve today

If you are interested in serving, sign up for our Partnership Pathway!