At Alinea, our desire is that everyone who follows Jesus and calls Alinea home would partner together in proclaiming the Gospel. Pathways is our process to help answer any questions you may have and empower you to make an informed decision.
Pathways: Helping you take your next step.

Our Pathway
Our Pathway to getting involved at Alinea happens in two steps. Each step happens right after church.
Step 1: Discover 101
In this short, 60 min session, we’ll feed you lunch, and tell the story of Alinea Church. Why are we here? What has God called us specifically to do? What is the heart of the church? You’ll learn the answers to these questions and more. Plus, you’ll get to ask all the questions you want!
Step 2: Serving 201
In this session, we dig deep into how God has SHAPED you. You were created on purpose FOR a purpose. Wouldn’t it be great to live life on purpose? In this step we help you discover how!
New to Alinea? Introduce yourself.
Use your campus connect card to let us know who you are and what you’d like to do.
Check out how to attend a service.
Join us this Sunday and discover what it means to be a part of the Alinea Church family!
Serve with Alinea.
Join our amazing team of volunteers. We serve because God asks us to serve. As believers, we are each given spiritual gifts.
Join a small group.
Connect groups are smaller groups of people where you simply do life together.
Explore options for kids.
We have a variety of spaces and places for your family to grow.
Give to our ministry.
Your giving directly impacts how we are able to love and serve our community.