Connect groups are smaller groups of people where you simply do life together.
Connect groups are smaller groups of people where you simply do life together. They are built around simple rhythms:
01 – Eat Together
One of our codes is We Eat Together. Everyone is welcome to the table of God. So we are committed to both illogical hospitality and intentionally sitting around the table together as often as we can. We bring what we have, serious about serving one another as we follow Jesus.
02 – Have Fun Together
Plan a hike, short road trip, bowling, night on the town, or fun at the lake. These are times to laugh and enjoy each other’s company.
03 – Grow Together
We strategically equip groups to make disciples and learn more about Jesus and His word.
04 – Serve Together
We grow closer to each other by serving together. Pick a simple community project to serve together as a group.